
Kuripe Double Stone Serpentine

Original price was: $36.00.Current price is: $18.00.

Beautifully designed Stone self-applicator pipes – Kuripes.
It’s very special double pipe because it has double nostrils applicator, so you can apply yourself Rapé with both nostrils in one go!
This is particularly useful if you find it difficult to apply second nostril. Also, great for beginners, and people who prefer medicine together.
They are all exquisitely hand carved from Serpentine stone, which is sourced near sacred Peruvian site of Machu Picchu.
Available in powerful animal totems – Condor, Eagle, Puma-Jaguar & Snake.

Beautifully designed Stone self-applicator pipes – Kuripes.
It’s very special double pipe because it has double nostrils applicator, so you can apply yourself Rapé with both nostrils in one go!

This is particularly useful if you find it difficult to apply second nostril. Also, great for beginners, and people who prefer medicine together.

They are all exquisitely hand carved from Serpentine stone, which is sourced near sacred Peruvian site of Machu Picchu.

Available in powerful animal totems – Condor, Eagle, Puma-Jaguar & Snake.

  • According to Andean Inca Cosmology – the following animals represent the following:
    • Condor – God of Peace – represents the Sky and Soul, and our connection to the Spirit realm. Condor is the powerful South American bird totem. It allows the Condor to fly to the heavens to deliver messages to God – the bridge between Heaven and Earth.
    • Eagle – God of the Winds – represents the Sky and Soul, and our connection to the Spirit realm. Eagle is the powerful North American bird totem. It allows the Eagle to fly to the heavens to deliver messages to God – the bridge between Heaven and Earth.
    • Jaguar/ Puma – God of Strength – represents the Earth and Body, and our connection with the Physical realm. Also, our connection to mother earth and this physical 3D reality. Symbol of strength, protection, and the power of Love.
    • Snake – God of Wisdom – represents the Underworld and Mind, and our connection with the Internal realm. Also, our connection with the circle of life, as the Snake sheds it skin, and is re-born once again. Symbol of Wisdom, Rebirth, Knowledge and higher teachings.

The size is approx. 10cm-11cm length and 4cm-5cm width. The weight is approx 60 grams.

All lovingly and uniquely handmade in the Sacred Valley of Peru.

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Condor, Eagle, Jaguar, Snake


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