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Shacapa – Peruvian


This is a very powerful shamanic tool and instrument called a ‘Shacapa’ in Peru.
Sometimes it’s also known as ‘Chakapa’. Where they tend to be round bundle shapes in Peruvian tradition.

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This is a very powerful shamanic tool and instrument called a ‘Shacapa’ in Peru.

In Peruvian tradition, they tend to be shaped into round leaf bundles. Sometimes it’s also known as ‘Chakapa’ too.

In Colombia, it is commonly known as a ‘Wayra’, which means wind in indigenous Quechua language. The leaves tend to be flatten shapes in Colombian traditions.

FYI – We cannot ship Shacapas with DHL because they do not accept any natural plant materials.
So, we can only ship with Serpost Post Office with EMS or Certified Tracked.

A Shacapa is a palm frond made from the dried leaves of Pariana stenolemma tutin, or Huara Sacha from the Amazon jungle.

These Amazonian leaves are picked and then dried, and finally wrapped together and handwoven into a bundle. Finally, then extra Amazonian protection seeds can be added or not.

In the Peruvian Mestizo Shamanism of the Upper Amazon, they say that Shacapa leaves contains the spirits of all of the jungle plants.

Each of our beautiful Shacapas are energetically blessed and super-charged with Mapacho tobacco smoke, sacred prayers, and infused with magical power, by the Shamans and Ayahuasqueros from Shamanic Shop Team.

Shacapas have many uses – see below:

* Rattle – shaken for rhythm while singing Icaros or Medicine songs during Ayahuasca ceremonies.
* Shamanic Healing tool – it’s rubbed and rattled over the body to cleanse, heal, capture, disperse, and release any heavy energies, spirit entities or illness. Once the energy is captured in the shacapa, then the Shaman blows through the leaves to disperse the intrusion into the jungle, ether, or protected energetic place for transmutation.
* Magical wand – to signal and call many plant spirits, light beings, and energetic helpers into the sacred ceremonial space. Also, to attract higher healing energies, positive spirits, and brighter energies from different dimensions.
* Surgical device – to remove, cut-out, and extract any sickness or negative spirit entities.
* Protection tool – to use as protective Shamanic tool to ward off any dark energies, and as protective tool to defend against any dark, negative or aggressive spirits – similar to a lightsaber.

We offer 2 types of Shacapas, which are all uniquely and lovingly handmade with special care, and blessed with magical shamanic power.

(1) Traditional Shacapa – it’s a classic bundle of Shacapa leaves handwoven together.

(2) Special Shacapa – it’s combination of the classic bungle of Shacapa leaves, plus extra special Cacho seeds, Huayruro beads, and Sara Sara seeds.
– For extra percussive sound, but also for protection, and calling-on many jungle plant spirits.

The sizes are approx 30cm-35cm length and 15cm width at biggest part. Leaves may vary in color, shape and size due to natural variation and drying process.

Please note that each item is uniquely handmade, so each one may vary slightly from the photos – shape, size, colors, material, pattern and design.

For interesting reading – see link below:

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

Special, Traditional


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